Malmö based Per och Olof have charmed us (and hopefully you too) with his simple, repetitive and really catchy songs in Swedish, through the indie pop-y single ‘Balkongen’, the slower and grittier double single ‘Du är alldeles för bra / Du och Jag var inte bra’ to the emotional and touching ‘Ensam’. Now it's time to add 'Kommer du ihåg', a song about "love at first sight", to that list.
‘Kommer du ihåg’ (Swedish for ‘Do you remember’) is a straightforward song that has the guitar doubling the vocal melodies in a very effective way which adds to the power of the lyrics (English speakers just have to trust us on this one). If you ask us, it's another proof of the brilliant songwriting mind of Per-Olof.
Listen to ‘Kommer du ihåg’ here or above.