Photo: Christine Björk

Photo: Christine Björk


All the way from the charming indie pop singles ‘Balkongen’ and ‘Kommer du ihåg’ through the slower and grittier double single ‘Du är alldeles för bra / Du och Jag var inte bra’ and the roaring ‘Ensam’, Malmö based Per och Olof have showcased his simply brilliant song-writing throughout the start of this year.

‘Händerna’, a two minute long indie rock banger and the perfect soundtrack for a road trip, is the last piece from his first string of singles. No need to worry though, a lot more is on the way and after this great first batch of music we just can’t wait to hear what Per-Olof comes up with next.

Listen to ‘Händerna’ here or below. Listen to all Per och Olof tracks here.